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dimanche 19 février 2012

Ultra HD codec approach

A new video codec is about to be finalized. It should come in 2013 and will cover the images in high definition
You've heard the H264? Not? Yet it became a video codec standard, and it is almost certain that you use daily or almost daily. It is everywhere, in your smartphone, camcorder, camera, your box or your TV receiver.
Developed in 2003 to carry the video stream in high definition (1920 x 1080 pixels), yet it is about to be dethroned by his successor, H265, also called HEVC (for High Efficiency Video Coding). Why yet another codec? Simply to convey the flow of ultra high definition tomorrow: images in 4K (4 megapixel) and even 8K (7680 x 4320 pixels)!

The technological challenge is to achieve a gain in terms of throughput (and thus weight) of 67%! Increasingly clear, this means that a file H265, whose image quality is equivalent to a H264 file will have a flow (or weight in megabytes) of less than 67%
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